“I took pleasure in writing this resolutely positive book, in an era that is hardly so. It deals with God, the ego, emotion, animals, values, doubt, our relationship to the media. I see there that, without the slightest chauvinism, I was lucky to be born French.
The red thread of this adventure? Time, my implacable master in all things, didn't Cioran say: ''I kill time and time kills me. We are at ease between assassins.'' But in the meantime I have lived exquisite hours and joyful seasons. It's because, very early on, I undertook to tame this despot, to extract from life everything that was possible. The years, the decades have passed, they have transformed me.
I learned that, contrary to what Léo Ferré used to sing, no “over time… not everything goes away.” I launched newspapers, a radio, books. I got intense satisfaction from it, but that's behind me. Memories do not give life, family, couple, friendship, yes. They make the honey of my late years, which I taste every day. »