Dharma Online: Jamyang Buddhist Center London Announces Seminar on Neuroscience in Buddhism

- through Henry Oudin


Working in conjunction with the Science & Wisdom LIVE initiative, Jamyang Buddhist Center London has announced a new e-learning seminar titled “How Meditation Changes the Brain: Neuroscience in Buddhism”.

The event, to be held on July 8, will be led by esteemed scholars Geshe Tenzin Namdak, Resident Dharma Teacher at the Jamyang Buddhist Center in London, and Mexico-based writer, editor and Zen teacher Vanessa Zuisei Goddard, as well as contemplative neuroscientists Dr. Juan Santoyo and Dr. Ekaterina Denkova.

“Scientific research on meditation has often focused on mindfulness-based interventions, but there are many other techniques to support the cultivation of meaning and happiness in our lives,” Jamyang Buddhist Center London explained. “In this event, we will go beyond mindfulness and explore how applying contemplative practices in the field of neuroscience can increase our resilience, growth, harmony, well-being, and neuroplasticity.

“These teachers will guide you through the different ways meditation influences the brain, improves our focus, allows us to release ingrained patterns, and promotes collective well-being. (Jamyang Buddhist Center London)

The e-learning seminar will explore various topics related to Buddhist meditation from a scientific perspective, including: the impact of stress on the brain's ability to grow and learn; mental training techniques to promote health, resilience and well-being; attitudes and emotions affecting the development of our brain and mind; using contemplative practices and science to foster collective healing, equality and justice; reconnecting with nature and exploring indigenous practices; and developments in neuroscience and their applications to Buddhist practice.

Full program online, 8 July (UK local time):

Session 1

16–16 pm – Vanessa Zuisei Goddard – Conference and guided meditation
16 pm - 40 pm – Dr. Juan Santoyo – Conference
17h20-18h – Joint Q&A with Zuisei Goddard and Dr. Santoyo

18am-19pm - To break

Session 2

19–19 pm – Dr. Ekaterina Denkova – Conference
19 pm - 40 pm – Geshe Tenzin Namdak – Debate
20:20 a.m.–21 p.m. – Joint Q&A with Dr. Ekaterina Denkova and Geshe tenzin Namdak

Geshe Tenzin Namdak. Image courtesy of Jamyang Buddhist Center London

“Neuroplasticity is the adaptive process by which the brain rewires itself in response to thoughts, behaviors, and experiences. Because of this phenomenon, destructive emotions and negative experiences, such as trauma, prejudice, and addiction, can embed themselves deep into our neural circuitry, negatively affecting our well-being and daily life. The negative emotions and stress we hold on to can stunt our brain growth, impacting our ability to learn and grow,” noted Jamyang Buddhist Center London. “This is where meditation and mind training techniques come in. There are many practices and tools, beyond mindfulness, that we can use to break free from old patterns, create new virtuous habits, and increase neuroplasticity. By leveraging scientific research and contemplative practices, we can promote collective healing, equality, and justice in our world, as well as improve our own health, resilience, and well-being.

Click here for full details and to register

Jamyang London Buddhist Center was established in 1978 to facilitate the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism following the lineage of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The center is also affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) under the spiritual guidance of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, and offers a structured program of courses and lectures in Buddhist philosophy and practice.

"Science & Wisdom LIVE brings meditation practitioners together with scientists to address contemporary society's problems and find new possible solutions," said Science & Wisdom LIVE. “The dialogue between science and contemplative traditions can inspire positive action and inform an ethical response to the challenges of our time, grounded in the human values ​​of cooperation, compassion and equality. (Science and Wisdom Live)

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Henry Oudin

Henry Oudin is a Buddhist scholar, spiritual adventurer and journalist. He is a passionate seeker of the depths of Buddhist wisdom, and travels regularly to learn more about Buddhism and spiritual cultures. By sharing his knowledge and life experiences on Buddhist News, Henry hopes to inspire others to embrace more spiritual and mindful ways of living.

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