The benevolence which is at the heart of Buddhism is, here, recounted with such enthusiasm, lightness and humor that we discover to what extent benevolence is an absolute weapon since it disarms.
Didier Van Cauwelaert reveals himself by evoking his childhood, his youth and his dreams through the prism of benevolence. She is at the heart of his life and seems to have shaped it, revealed it. Her stories, always surprising, show us the detours she can take while getting us back on the road. Because, according to him, it alone encourages, saves, restores strength of momentum, confidence in man.
He tells how all it takes is a benevolent gesture, a sweet, tender word, an unexpected gift, a gratuitous smile, the hand of a stranger for life to reveal itself in its most magical light. . The father of the author maintains that our difference is our treasure, we understand through these pages that it is especially when it is nourished with love.
We close this book with the feeling of having received a little honey on the heart, with more hope in man and the conviction that we too can disarm our fears, our anger and our loneliness through benevolence. We feel that it is the dignity of man. Didier Van Cauwelaert indeed ends his work with these essential words: "Even in the most cruel circumstances, when in our eyes it seems violated, abrogated, obsolete, benevolence remains the law that governs our destinies".