International Women's Meditation Center Foundation Announces Outstanding Buddhist Women for 2024

- through Henry Oudin


The International Women's Meditation Center Foundation (IWMCF) selected 31 recipients for its Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award for 2024, which coincided with International Women's Day on Friday.

An initiative of two Buddhist monks, Bhikkhuni Rattanavali of Thailand and Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee of the United States, the IWMCF began awarding the Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award to Buddhist women in 2002, on the occasion of the International Day of Buddhism. women of the United Nations, to recognize and highlight their global contributions. The IWMCF Award recognizes achievement and excellence in four categories: meditative practice; Social work and community development; Propagation of Dharma; and peace activism.

This year's Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award recipients are:

1. Bhikkhuni Bharmmasara of Thailand
2. Bhikkhuni Dhamma Khema from Thailand
3. Bhikkhuni Gautami from Bangladesh
4. Bhikshuni Chang-An Shih from Taiwan
5. Bhikshuni Dr. Bich Link from USA
6. Bhikshuni Lama Karma Droupgyu Wangmo of France
7. Chanyanat Sanpakdithai from Cambodia/Thailand
8. Ching Wi Yap from Singapore
9. Mei-Ru Huang from Taiwan
10. Ursula Lyon from Austria
11. Bhikkhuni Khamesi Guruma from Nepal
12. Bhikkhuni Sumangala from Malaysia
13. Bhikshuni Clear Grace Dayananda from USA
14. Bhikshuni Shik Chuan Wen from Malaysia
15. Bhikshuni Tian-De Shih from Taiwan
16. Bhikshuni Yi Xin from Taiwan
17. Dr. Ching-Chin Lin Wang from Taiwan
18. Dr. Sirikarn Techa-apichok from Thailand
19. Katharina Kobel-Shepherd from Switzerland
20. Khine Hnin Wai from Myanmar
21. Maechee Dr Bunrueng Bunpanya from Thailand
22. Maechee Dr Srisuda Tuamsomboon from Thailand
23. Maechee Dr Subin Phonlamai from Thailand
24. Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Abhinanda Riditohtuwee Maha Theri of Sri Lanka
25. Most Venerable Bhikkhuni Dhammawati Guruma of Nepal
26. Most Venerable Bhikshuni Gwang Yong of South Korea
27. Most Venerable Bhikshuni Xiu-Neng Shih of Taiwan
28. Most Venerable Bhikshuni Zhang-Xin Shih of Taiwan
29. Saskia Graf from Germany
30. Ven. Dr. Pooja Dabral from India
31. Zhou Xiupen from Taiwan

Click here for more details on this year's winners and their achievements

“International Women’s Day, March 8, is an occasion marked by women’s groups around the world,” observed the IWMCF. “This date is also commemorated in each of the five branches of the United Nations around the world. This day is also celebrated all over the world in universities, schools and educational institutions. . . .

“When women from all continents, often divided by national borders and ethnic, racial, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, come together to celebrate their day, they can remember women's struggle for equality , justice, peace, and development. . . .

“Few causes promoted by the United Nations have generated more intense and broader support than the campaign to promote and protect the equal rights of women. The United Nations Charter, signed in San Francisco in 1945, was the first international agreement to proclaim gender equality as a fundamental human right. (International Women's Meditation Center Foundation)

Based in Thailand, the IWMCF was established to promote gender equality in Buddhism by establishing women monastics as social leaders by providing: meditation and Buddhist practice for women and girls; Dharma Teachings for Women and Girls; postgraduate training for monastic women; the annual Outstanding Women in Buddhism Award; and IT and media services for female Dharma teachers.

“Buddhism supports the fourfold sangha: bhikkhunis, bhikkhus, lay women and men as the foundation of a holistic, inclusive and healthy Buddhist society,” noted the IWMCF. “Bhikkhunis play many very important roles in Thai society as teachers, counselors, change agents, social activists, meditation experts and positive role models for women and girls, thereby addressing the many issues facing women and girls. girls are faced so that their life is happy. , healthy and full of self-confidence. (International Women's Meditation Center Foundation)

International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 each year to highlight issues vital to the global women's rights movement, such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and gender violence and abuse. towards women. The campaign theme for 2024 is “Inspiring Inclusion:”

When we inspire others to understand and value the inclusion of women, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are motivated to be included, they feel a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment. Together, let's forge a more inclusive world for women. (International Women's Day)

Its roots date back to 1911, when the first International Women's Day was celebrated by more than a million people in Austria-Hungary, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. International Women's Day later became a dominant global holiday and public holiday in several countries, after being promoted in 1977 by the United Nations, which began celebrating International Women's Day in 1975. For 2024, UN Femmes announced a call to “invest in women”. : Accelerating progress” as “the only way to guarantee prosperous and just economies, as well as a healthy planet for future generations”. (UN Women)

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Henry Oudin

Henry Oudin is a Buddhist scholar, spiritual adventurer and journalist. He is a passionate seeker of the depths of Buddhist wisdom, and travels regularly to learn more about Buddhism and spiritual cultures. By sharing his knowledge and life experiences on Buddhist News, Henry hopes to inspire others to embrace more spiritual and mindful ways of living.

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