No, it's not a fable that I'm about to tell you. Just an episode in the life of one of the greatest Tibetan masters of the 1903th century, Kyabje Ling Dorjechang (1983-97). This is a few years before he was chosen as Tutor to HH the XIVth Dalai Lama, and long before he became the XNUMXth Ganden Tripa – the supreme abbot of Ganden at the head of the school of gelugpa , the “virtuous” reputed to be very keen on observing the rules. Speaking of horses, it's not about the master's mount, a mare with whom he had a very strong bond, that I want to talk to you about today, but about Tsering, "Long Life", the tamed sheep that followed in the alleys of Lhasa like a faithful dog. Their story begins one day when, from the roof terrace of the temple, the young lama, who at the time rules the monastery of Gyutö with an iron fist, glances at the spectacle of the streets below, and horror ! he sees near a butcher's stall an unfortunate sheep already all tied up, ready to be slaughtered. Without wasting time, he sends one of his assistants to redeem the animal, before immolation of course, and saves it in extremis from the knife.
Free both the executioner and the victim
A few days later, the lama takes his protege to his hermitage to join the many animals he has already placed under his diligent and loving protection. But Tsering stands out. Over the days, the lama and the sheep forge a relationship of trust, and very quickly, Tsering gets into the habit of following his master like a doggie. On days off and when the weather is fine, the abbot ties a small bundle to his companion's back, and off they go, the two of them go to the edge of the river. While one reads or writes installed on the small carpet transported by Tsering, the other grazes quietly without ever moving away.
Over the days, the llama and the sheep establish a relationship of trust, and very quickly, the latter gets into the habit of following its master like a doggie.
The practice of saving animals is common in Buddhist society. For the lambda practitioner, it helps him to acquire excellent karmas which will be a source of longevity and health for the future. For the masters compassionate such as Kyabje Dorjechang, whose ultimate objective is to free all beings from suffering, it is a precious means of coming to the aid of both parties, the executioner as well as the victim