Meditation for all at the Kalachakra center in Paris

- through Fabrice Groult


Take a break in the middle of a hectic and often stressful daily life.

For those who can free themselves on a weeknight, the Kalachakra center offers a weekly evening at 19:30 p.m. of meditation training: concentration on the breath, mindfulness, analytical meditation, etc. It is said that group practice creates an energy that multiplies its effects.

Since the creation of the center (1985) the various Departments have always wanted to reserve one evening during the week for a guided meditation where Parisians and Ile-de-France residents could go after their day's work, to take a wise break in the hectic daily life of city dwellers.


The instructor organizes the session according to the following steps:

– Relaxation: essential when arriving from outside, one lands in the meditation room.

– Position: so that the body, far from being a source of discomfort during meditation, on the contrary becomes an asset.

– Breathing: to allow the meditator to regulate the breath present at each moment of his meditation.

– Reflection: when the body and the breath are in perfect harmony, the mind will be able to focus on a particular guided reflection without either drowsiness or agitation disturbing this work of introspection.

– Discussion: in order to discuss the difficulties, or other experiences encountered by the participants, this exchange closes the session.

Alternately guided by former students, these meditations are open to everyone.

Pratical information

Kalachakra Center
5 Passage Delessert
75010 Paris

Every Wednesday evening (except July and August) at 19 p.m.

Free admission

photo of author

Fabrice Groult

Fabrice Groult is an adventurer, photographer and Buddhist who has traveled the world since a young age. After studying Buddhism in India, he embarked on an eighteen-month journey through Asia that took him to the Himalayas, where he discovered his passion for photography. Since then, he has traveled the world capturing images of Buddhist beauty and wisdom. He was a guide for ten years, and is now a journalist with Buddhist News.

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