I meditate too! by Elisabeth Couzon and Charlotte Ribault

- through Fabrice Groult


"Another book on meditation", would it be legitimate to think of the announcement of the publication of the latest work by Élisabeth Couzon and Charlotte Ribault, I meditate too! Understandable reaction as the genre has been prolific in recent years.

This, however, would be to ignore that the recent broadcast of the mindfulness to the general public justifies the persistent need to promote this practice and to explain in detail its advantages and benefits, in particular for populations with specific needs and expectations.

This is exactly what this book proposes to do since it is aimed especially at teenagers (and parents of teenagers), invited to use full presence to help them get through this often delicate stage of their life.

The challenge is big. Anyone who raises or has raised “teenagers” knows how much day-to-day communication with a teenager requires finding the right tone. Let's not even talk about making them adopt a new and sometimes restrictive daily routine.

Fortunately, the two authors make wonderful use of their know-how as clinical psychologists and the gentleness resulting from their Buddhist and secular meditative teaching.

Illuminated by numerous definitions of key concepts, the springs and objectives of a meditation practice are explained in simple terms and illustrated by examples, advice, anecdotes and testimonies applied to this period of life.

Even if one can judge the guided meditations which make up the CD inserted in the book a little too talkative, the general impression remains that of a serious book, easy to take in hand, allowing to open a dialogue to encourage his teenager to adopt a practice that can help them get to know themselves better in order to accept themselves better.

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Fabrice Groult

Fabrice Groult is an adventurer, photographer and Buddhist who has traveled the world since a young age. After studying Buddhism in India, he embarked on an eighteen-month journey through Asia that took him to the Himalayas, where he discovered his passion for photography. Since then, he has traveled the world capturing images of Buddhist beauty and wisdom. He was a guide for ten years, and is now a journalist with Buddhist News.

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