Sahaja: Siddhartha's Intent announces Buddhist-inspired art exhibition in Bodh Gaya

- through Henry Oudin


Poster with a painting by Taiwanese artist Yachi Tseng. Image provided by Siddhartha's Intent
Poster with a painting by the Nepalese artist Ngawang Chodak. Image provided by Siddhartha's Intent

Siddhartha's Intent, founded by revered Bhutanese lama, filmmaker and author Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, has announced that the ongoing Dzongsar Monlam and Siddhartha Festival 2023* in Bodh Gaya, northern India, will feature the art exhibition of the Siddhartha festival, organized as part of Siddhartha's Intent Art Project and will take place from October 25 to 29 under the theme “Sahaja” (Skt: spontaneous illumination).

“The Siddhartha Festival art exhibition features around 80 Buddhist-inspired works by 18 international artists,” Siddhartha’s Intent shared with BDG. “Our aspiration is that it will be more than just an art exhibition, but also an offering to all those present at the seat of Buddha's enlightenment. May current and potential artists be inspired to express and share the Dharma through their work, and may all who view it be further drawn to the wisdom of Buddha.

Mother's song by award-winning Mongolian artist Soyolmaa Davakhu. Image provided by Siddhartha's Intent

Siddhartha's Intent is an international collective of Buddhist groups supporting the Buddhadharma activities of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche by organizing teachings and retreats, distributing and archiving recorded teachings, and transcribing and translating manuscripts and practice texts.

“The Siddhartha's Intent art project was born from the aspiration to create a central place for Buddhist artists to be seen and supported, and for art lovers to appreciate and be touched by these artists' creations,” Siddhartha's Intent explained. “It is with pleasure that we invite you to our first in-person exhibition at the Siddhartha Festival which will be held at the sacred Buddhist site of Bodh Gaya, India, from October 24 to 29. »*

Organized by the Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Institute, Dzongsar Monlam will take place from October 18 to 27. It was first held in 2006 and takes place every two years at the place where the Buddha achieved enlightenment: under the Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya. The Siddhartha Festival, which will celebrate the life of the Buddha and his teachings, will feature a two-day program of lectures, songs, dances and more, from October 28-29.

In addition to the Siddhartha Festival art exhibition, the festival will welcome many special guests, including: famous Japanese monk, musician and composer Kanho Yakushiji of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen Buddhism; Parvathy Baul, practitioner, interpreter and teacher of the Baul tradition from Bengal, India; Dr Prachi Jariwala, trained Indian classical dancer; and Lucid Mantra, producer and multi-instrumentalist based in the northeast Himalayas.

Image provided by Siddhartha's Intent

“Since the time of the Buddha, art has always played an important role for Buddhists, serving both as a means of expressing religious ideals and of teaching, inspiring and communicating with practitioners,” notes Siddhartha's Intent. “The online gallery, which currently features a new artist each month, has been created. . . expand the impact of the work and lay the foundations of a cooperative and supportive community. Our community forum provides a dedicated space for artists and art lovers to connect online and exchange ideas.

mahabodhi by Alicja Zmigrodzka. Image provided by Siddhartha's Intent

Born in Bhutan in 1961, Dzongsar Khyentsé Rinpoche is the son of Thinley Norbu Rinpoche and was a close student of the Nyingma master Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoche (1910-1991). He is recognized as the third incarnation of the Tibetan religion of the XNUMXth century. terton Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820-1892), founder of the Khyentse lineage, and immediate incarnation of Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö (1893-1959).

In addition to Siddhartha's intention, Rinpoche's projects include: the Khyentse Foundation, established in 2001 to promote the teaching of the Buddha and support all traditions of Buddhist study and practice; 84000, a global non-profit initiative to translate the words of the Buddha and make them accessible to all; Lotus Outreach, which leads a range of projects aimed at ensuring the education, health and safety of vulnerable women and children in developing countries; and Lhomon Society, which promotes sustainable development in Bhutan through education.

Rinpoche is the author of several books, including: What makes you not a Buddhist? (2006) Not for happiness (2012) The guru drinks bourbon? (2016) and Poison is Medicine: Clarifying the Vajrayana (2021), and has gained fame within and outside the global Buddhist community for the feature films he has written and directed: The mug (1999) Travelers and magicians (2004) Vara: a blessing (2012) Hema Hema: Sing me a song while I wait (2016) and Looking for a lady with fangs and a mustache (2019)

Buddha touching the Earth by Tara di Gesu from the United States. Image provided by Siddhartha's Intent

* Siddhartha's Intent announces Dzongsar Monlam and Siddhartha Festival 2023 in Bodh Gaya (BDG)

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Henry Oudin

Henry Oudin is a Buddhist scholar, spiritual adventurer and journalist. He is a passionate seeker of the depths of Buddhist wisdom, and travels regularly to learn more about Buddhism and spiritual cultures. By sharing his knowledge and life experiences on Buddhist News, Henry hopes to inspire others to embrace more spiritual and mindful ways of living.

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