The canteen of the present moment of Victoria Werlé: Tatin of fennel & red onions

- through Sophie Solere


A follower of instinctive and spontaneous cuisine (in Japanese "Ima" means "present moment"), Victoria Werlé has joined forces with English restaurateur Joe Elliott to launch a whole new form of vegetarian "canteen" which favors raw foods and campaigns for zero waste.

For this new recipe, Victoria dusts off the famous pie.

Fennel & red onion tatin

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 20 to 30 minutes

For 6 people

4 fennels, cut into 2cm wedges
3 red onions, sliced
1 dash of balsamic vinegar
1 fillet of olive oil
2 sprigs of fresh thyme
60 g grated Parmesan cheese
60 g sugar
300 g puff pastry
Salt pepper

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
On a baking sheet, arrange the fennel and onions.
Add balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and thyme. Bake for fifteen minutes at 180°C to soften them.
Once pre-cooked, arrange the vegetables nicely, alternating fennel and red onion, flat side up against the bottom of your rectangular dish (20 x 30 cm) and sprinkle with parmesan.
Prepare a dry caramel by melting the sugar in a saucepan. Then pour the caramel over the vegetables. Salt and pepper lightly before covering your vegetables with the paste.
Bake for about 180 minutes at 30°C. Do not unmold the hot pie, let it cool for XNUMX minutes then turn it over in a presentation dish. Serve warm.

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Sophie Solere

Sophie Solère is an economic and social journalist who has been interested for years in the environment and interdependence. She works for Buddhist News, a media platform dedicated to Buddhist spirituality and wisdom. By practicing yoga and meditative dance, Sophie discovered the power of spiritual journeys, which offer so many paths to (re)find yourself. She is dedicated to sharing inspiring stories and valuable advice on spiritual practice and the environment with Buddhist News readers.

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