Doctor Dinh Hy Trinh

A member of the Board of Directors of the Truc Lâm pagoda in Villebon-sur-Yvette, this retired doctor specializing in gastroenterology has long been interested in Buddhist philosophy. Born in Hanoi in 1946 and arrived in France in 1962, he was a disciple of the Venerable Minh Châu, Rector of the Van Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon, and of the Venerable Thiên Châu, founder of the Truc Lâm Buddhist Institute (Bamboo Forest ) in Villebon-sur-Yvette, which he was close to for more than thirty years.

The questions

A creator God?

Strikes and not very spiritual retirement

Buddhism and the civil rights movement

Buddhism in the XNUMXst century

Coproduction conditioned

Lunar New Year

Cultivate the present moment

Be at peace with your colleagues

Zen and spontaneity

Is it necessary to have a confirmed master to evolve in the way?


Buddhists and reality

Accept advice and criticism

Buddhism and psychoanalysis

Social networks seen by Buddhism

Buddhism, spirituality or religion?

How to deal with conflicting emotions

What is the difference between the methods of meditation in Buddhism?