10:30 a.m. – What a talent my hen!
Triple look at our friends the hens with:
Herve Husson, author of the blog “Chez Lothaire & Ysengrin”, the hen's blog. His experience in the field makes him one of the main French specialists in hens and roosters; he will tell us about the social life of the hens, the hierarchy, the education of the young, etc. ;
Philip Rocher, photographer, pet specialist, author and photographer of the Guide to chicken breeds, 130 French and foreign breeds (ed. Ulmer);
Sebastien Moro, science populariser, has notably worked on the cognition of hens; he is the creator of the channel Youtube « bird brain » and co-author of the book fish eyelids (ed. La Plage).
The conference will be followed by a sale-dedication.
14 p.m. – Fascinating snakes
by Francoise Serre Collet
Herpetologist (specialist in snakes and amphibians) at the National Museum of Natural History, photographer and author, Francoise Serre Collet fights with passion to make respect the snakes, victims of irrational fears and misunderstandings. She'll dispel misconceptions and rumors about them while telling us about the strategies and secrets of these secretive animals trying to survive in a world where their habitats are shrinking.
The conference will be followed by a sale-dedication.
16 p.m. – Collective intelligence: the great lesson of animals
by Olivier Piazza
Politics, economy, social life… Faced with the failures and questioning of our societies, the example of the collective intelligence of many animals, especially social insects, can inspire us. An exciting horizon explained by Olivier Piazza, co-director of the DU Intelligence Collective at the University of Cergy-Pontoise and co-initiator of the cooperative "Les Maisons de l'Intelligence Collective". He is the author of Discover collective intelligence (ed. Intereditions).
The conference will be followed by a sale-dedication.
18 p.m. – Whale song concert
Pierre Lavagne de Castellan, bioacoustician and musician, will play Shelltone, the instrument he developed with the École centrale de Nantes and Stanford University in California to communicate with humpback whales. He will make us listen to an exclusive creation for the World Day of Animal Intelligences mixing music of men and music of whales to take us to the land of these great poetesses.
World Animal Intelligence Day, of which this is the 3rd edition, is organized on the initiative of Yolaine de la Bigne, creator of the Animal Summer University and the Animal and Man website.