One of the essential missions of the Dalai Lama is to contribute to the happiness of others. For him, this is the only meaning of life. In this line, he tries to raise awareness in the face of the climatic catastrophe that is preparing. He writes: "The air of the overheated planet has become unbreathable in the megalopolises of the five continents, whose tomorrows seem doomed to the disaster of great suffering". The Dalai Lama believes that the XNUMXst century can become the most important century in the history of mankind, because we are facing a new reality. He shows through these pages how all our operating patterns are anachronistic in the face of the ecological upheavals we are experiencing. We must reinvent our entire relationship to ourselves and to nature. He urges us to become the peace we want for the world, to awaken our consciences to restore a fertile link with the earth and no longer a destructive one.
This book is a call to life in all its forms, but above all a call to order of our universal responsibility. Because each of our thoughts, words or actions leaves imprints of consciousness; we can each at our level be the actors of the necessary paradigm shift. "To experience inner peace and healing in each of my gestures, dedicated to the good of all existences, human and non-human, is a great call to be alive, in the joy of universal love which is the life of life. ". An urgency runs through these pages, that of uniting our breath with that of all beings and with the great breath of the universe.